Friday, June 28, 2013

It Was Night

It Was Night

We’re sitting in a bible study group or a Sunday school class and the leader reads a verse and we all, including the leader, just sit there and scratch our heads.  I remember one time I was in a Sunday school class and the leader read this verse as part of a bigger section of the passage. 

John 13:30 So after receiving the morsel he went out immediately; and it was night.

So, I am just curious, have you  ever read this verse in John and just kind of scratched your head and said “Why did the Holy Spirit feel that it is was necessary to pause and say it was night the moment that Judas left to betray Him?”  Well, I do have a theory of why, but we need to look at few other scriptures first.

We need to go back a bit in the life of Jesus when one day the disciples asked Him a question about a blind man and Jesus answered, “It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” Jesus then said in John 9:4, 5 “We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.  While I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.”

So you see, I believe that the Holy Spirit paused to show us that there was a transition happening here in the spirit world.  Jesus said that when it was night no one can do any work. That was true of the disciples; they couldn’t stay awake to pray with Him.  Scripture also says that they all forsook Him and fled even, Peter denied that he knew Him. 

I believe that we can really learn from just about anything in scriptures. What can we glean from this short mysterious verse?  First we know that it is no longer night because God’s people are going about His business every day. However, I believe that there is coming another night where it will be difficult to do any work. 
Look at what happens right before it says that “it was night” in verse 27.  It says, “After the morsel, Satan then entered into him. Therefore Jesus said to him, ‘What you do, do quickly.’” Judas, for whatever reason, allowed satan to enter himself and he went out determined to no longer do the will of God but that of satan.

I believe this is going to happen again, not with just a man, but with this world.  There is going to come a point when there is a man, who just like Judas,  is going to allow satan to enter him fully and this man will go on to be the way for satan to enter this world like he never has.  When this happens all of the Earth will be determined to no longer do the will of God but that of satan.   It will become night again and it will be difficult for Gods people to work. 

So what is the point?   The point is that night is coming again to this earth and we who call on the name of the one true God, Jesus Christ, need to be doing God’s work before the night comes. 

Prayer:  Jesus may you put urgency on our hearts for the lost of this world. May you give us the boldness to speak the truth in a world who doesn’t want to hear the truth.  And Jesus may we bless and praise you when they drag us before the judges and call us haters.  In your Holy Name Jesus, Amen.